Nearly 80% of Americans oppose Russia’s involvement to negotiate on America’s behalf in restoring the Iran nuclear deal, according to a poll released on Tuesday.

The poll, sponsored by the Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group, included the results from surveys conducted March 18-21 of more than 1,000 likely 2022 election voters.

“Americans are watching with horror every day as Russia continues its ugly war against Ukraine, and have heard strong language from the Biden Administration condemning President Putin’s government. Voters are also well aware that the US is leveling sanctions, coordinating with NATO to support Ukraine, and providing weapons to those fighting Russian aggression. They know Russia is hostile to American interests around the world. Yet, President Biden is continuing his policy empowering Vladimir Putin’s government to negotiate with Iran on our behalf,” Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action, said in a statement provided to The Daily Wire.

“A supermajority of voters oppose this flagrant and incomprehensible double standard, and want to see it put to a stop immediately,” the statement added.

The vast majority of Americans surveyed want the Biden administration to remove Russia from Iran’s nuclear negotiations. The poll noted that 77.5% of American voters “believe the Biden administration should not allow Russia to continue to negotiate on America’s behalf in restoring the Iran nuclear deal.”

Just 2.3% of American voters said they believe the Biden administration should allow Russia to continue to negotiate on America’s behalf in restoring the Iran nuclear deal. Another 20.2% were not sure.

The resistance also crossed party lines, with a strong majority among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents in the poll.

Among Democrats, 68.6% believe the Biden administration should not allow Russia to continue to negotiate on America’s behalf in restoring the Iran nuclear deal. Another 2.5% percent said yes, while 28.8% were uncertain.

Republicans offered the strongest opposition to Russia’s involvement in the poll. The results noted that 87.6% of Republican voters believe the Biden administration should not allow Russia to continue to negotiate on America’s behalf in restoring the Iran nuclear deal. Another 2.9% said yes, with 9.4% uncertain.

Three-fourths of Independents supported the view, with 75.5% of Independent voters agreeing that the Biden administration should not allow Russia to continue to negotiate on America’s behalf in restoring the Iran nuclear deal. Just 1.4% said yes, and 23.1% were not sure.

In February, a group of more than 30 GOP senators wrote a letter to President Joe Biden to warn that they will block any implementation of an Iran deal that is not submitted to Congress for approval. The Daily Wire previously reported:

In the letter, the Senators state the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act (INARA) requires the president to submit any Iran deal to Congress – and they will block implementation of any deal not submitted.

“We write to call attention to a range of obligations that your administration is statutorily mandated to fulfill in relation to Congressional oversight over any such agreement, and to ensure that your officials know we are committed to providing availability, assistance, and resources so you can fully meet these mandates,” the letter said.

“We also write to emphasize that we are committed to using the full range of options and leverage available to United States Senators to ensure that you meet those obligations, and that the implementation of any agreement will be severely if not terminally hampered if you do not,” the senators added.

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Source: Dailywire

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