A new survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse found that 54% of likely voters think Biden will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in American history.

The poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted January 30-31 found only 15% believe Biden will rank in history as one of America’s best presidents. Another 25% think his presidency will be remembered as about average.

When the same question was asked concerning former President Donald Trump, 43% agreed he would be remembered as one of the worst presidents in history. The same question regarding former President Barack Obama received 33% agreement.

Among likely Republican voters in the survey, Biden ranked as the worst president in history among nearly three-fourths (74%) of respondents. The percentage ranked 22% over Obama (at 52%) and 58% above Trump (at 16%).

Even among Democrats, slightly more ranked Biden the worst at 28% over the best, at 27%.

The study did not speculate regarding reasons for the rankings, though Biden has been frequently criticized regarding inflation, gas prices, the border crisis, response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the nation’s military withdrawal from Afghanistan, among other issues.

A new Gallup poll, also released on Wednesday, revealed Americans’ satisfaction with a variety of areas of the nation. The poll found strong dissatisfaction among Americans across a wide variety of areas.

“In fact, in only one area — acceptance of gays and lesbians — are more Americans satisfied now than were in 2020, before the COVID-19 pandemic,” the study noted.

“Sixty-four percent of the people surveyed in January said they were dissatisfied with the economy, including about 1 in 3 who said they were ‘very dissatisfied’ with the country’s situation. The numbers are the worst since January 2014,” the Washington Examiner noted.

Despite the dire findings, Biden recently claimed on Twitter Wednesday that, “2021 was the greatest year of job growth in American history.”

On Tuesday, Biden said, “In my first year as president, the United States had the fastest economic growth in nearly four decades and the greatest year of job growth in American history.”

“During our first year in office, we achieved: The greatest year of job growth in American history, The fastest economic growth in nearly four decades, [and] Record drops in unemployment,” Biden added in a Monday post touting his Build Back Better agenda.

The statements have done little to settle the concerns of many Americans who view Biden’s presidency much differently.

The latest findings followed a survey last week by Rasmussen Reports that revealed 50% of likely voters think Biden should be impeached from office after just one year as president.

The question asked, “Some Republicans in Congress have endorsed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden, citing his immigration policy and his failure in Afghanistan, among other reasons. Do you support or oppose impeaching President Biden?”

The Daily Wire reported:

Those supporting Biden’s impeachment included 74% of Republicans, 34% of Democrats, and 42 percent of Independents.

Among those who supported the president’s impeachment included 33% who strongly support Biden’s removal.

Among ethnic groups, the results included 50% of Black voters supporting impeachment. A total of 58% of other non-white voters also supported impeachment.

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Source: Dailywire

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