A collection of almost 40 heads of national and state pro-life groups sent a letter to the chairs of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, discussing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s record on abortion. 

In the letter, the leaders “raise grave concerns regarding Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination.”

They pointed out that President Joe Biden has said he would only appoint justices who are in favor of the Roe v. Wade philosophy, adding: 

Scholars from across the spectrum of legal thought have criticized Roe as “bad constitutional law” and “among the most damaging of judicial decisions.” Roe not only denigrates our legal system, but also authorizes our nation’s radical policy of abortion on demand until birth. 

The Susan B. Anthony List discussed Jackson’s past actions, noting that she co-authored an amicus brief in favor of a law in Massachusetts that established a “buffer zone” to prohibit pro-life activists from approaching women outside of abortion centers. 

The letter further explained the hesitation behind Jackson’s confirmation, noting, “In an amicus brief co-authored by Jackson on behalf of the Massachusetts National Abortion Rights Action League (Mass. NARAL) and other abortion groups regarding buffer zones around abortion clinics in Massachusetts, she portrayed pro-life sidewalk counselors as a ‘hostile, noisy crowd of “in-your-face” protesters.’ However, offering life-affirming support or prayer outside of a clinic is not ‘harassment’ and to insist that offering an alternative to abortion is ‘indisputably harmful to a medical patient’s physical well-being’ is the height of absurdity.”

The letter pointed out the support Jackson has received from pro-abortion organizations, noting that the “groups had spent six-figure sums promoting Jackson. Now that she is the nominee, they have already pledged a million more.”

The letter continued: 

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the National Women’s Law Center have issued support for Jackson’s confirmation. The American Constitution Society, which has frequently hosted Jackson as a speaker and applauded her nomination, has publicly supported efforts to “reform” the Supreme Court to protect abortion. 

SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser added, “With the Court’s decision in Dobbs expected this summer, the stakes have never been higher in the fight to restore power to protect unborn life to the people and their elected representatives, not unelected judges. Ketanji Brown Jackson’s record of hostility to pro-life Americans is radically out of step with the majority of the country. Her nomination fulfills Joe Biden’s promise to only appoint justices who support the Roe v. Wade regime and his party’s broader agenda of abortion on demand up to birth, without limits of any kind.”

“We urge senators to stand with unborn children and their mothers and reject this nominee. We will be closely monitoring the hearings and working to expose the pro-abortion extremism of the Biden administration and their allies ahead of the crucial midterm elections,” she stated. 

With the high court’s upcoming decision regarding a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, pro-abortion activists are likely getting ready to mount legal challenges to pro-life laws across the country. 

The contentious climate surrounding abortion was on display outside of the Supreme Court as protesters came together during Jackson’s confirmation hearings on Monday. 

The Daily Wire reported, “Both pro-life and pro-abortion advocates represented their views, carrying signs, drums, and bullhorns, as Jackson seeks to become the nation’s first black female on the nation’s highest court.” 

Notably, after Jackson was nominated, she received a statement of support from Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

“We celebrate the historic nomination of Judge Jackson to serve as a U.S. Supreme Court justice. Judge Jackson brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and meaningful experience after years of service as a federal judge on both the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and as a public defender earlier in her career,” Johnson wrote after the announcement of Jackson’s nomination. 

“Beyond her record of remarkable achievement, it is clear that she has a deep commitment to public service and pursuing equal justice under the law, including safeguarding individual rights and liberties. And as the first Black woman ever named to the Supreme Court, this historic nomination is long overdue,” she added.

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Source: Dailywire

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