Russian President Vladimir Putin brought an attractive female interpreter to a G20 summit to “distract” President Donald Trump, according to a new book by former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham.

In her upcoming memoir, “I’ll Take Your Questions Now,” Grisham recounts the meeting between Trump and Putin at the 2019 G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, according to excerpts of the book published in The New York Times.

“During a meeting between the leaders, Fiona Hill, a White House advisor on Russia who was later a witness at Trump’s first impeachment trial, was said to have turned to Grisham to point out ways Putin was trying to throw Trump off balance,” Business Insider reported, citing the Times.

“As the meeting began, Fiona Hill leaned over and asked me if I had noticed Putin’s translator, who was a very attractive brunette woman with long hair, a pretty face, and a wonderful figure,” Grisham writes.

“She proceeded to tell me that she suspected the woman had been selected by Putin specifically to distract our president,” Grisham writes.

The story is just one in Grisham’s upcoming book. In another, the Washington Post reports, Grisham says Trump told Putin that he was going to put on a tough-guy act for the cameras.

In the meeting between Trump and Putin in Japan, Grisham claims Trump told Putin that he was going to “act a little tougher” with him in front of the cameras. Grisham claims she heard Trump tell Putin, “Okay, I’m going to act a little tougher with you for a few minutes. But it’s for the cameras, and after they leave, we’ll talk. You understand.”

A spokeswoman for Trump has called the book “another pitiful attempt to cash in on the president’s strength and sell lies about the Trump family,” The Guardian reports.

In another story, Grisham writes that Trump did not disclose a colonoscopy he had because he didn’t want to suffer the jokes that would inevitably follow on late-night TV.

“Trump’s unexplained trip to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in 2019 sparked theories that the president had a secret illness,” the Daily Beast reports. “The explanation, according to Grisham, is much more straightforward. She hints that Trump went for a colonoscopy, but didn’t disclose the reason for the trip because he didn’t want to be ‘the butt of a joke’ on late-night TV. Grisham reportedly writes: ‘As with COVID, he was too wrapped up in his own ego and his own delusions about his invincibility.’”

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Source: Dailywire

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