House Republicans voted to make Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) the new GOP Conference Chair, the third-highest position in House Republican leadership, after overwhelmingly voting to remove Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from the position earlier this week.

Stefanik won 134-46 over Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) after being endorsed by former President Donald Trump.

”I’m truly honored and humbled to earn the support of my colleagues to serve as House Republican Conference Chair,” Stefanik said in a statement. “House Republicans are united in our focus to fight on behalf of the American people to save our country from the radical Socialist Democrat agenda of President Biden and Nancy Pelosi. The American people are experiencing an economic crisis, a border crisis, an energy crisis, and a national security crisis due to Far-Left radical policies.”

“House Republicans will continue to put forth policies focused on growing our economy and getting people back to work, reopening our schools, promoting American energy independence, securing our border, strengthening our national security, and protecting our Constitution,” she added.

At a press conference following the vote, Stefanik clearly contrasted the message that came from Cheney, stating that the party wanted to work with Trump, whereas Cheney repeatedly stated that Trump should not have any role in the party.

“I also want to thank President Trump for his support. He is a critical part of our Republican team,” Stefanik said, later adding: “The American people are suffering under the far-left radical socialist policies of President Joe Biden and speaker Nancy Pelosi. In just over 100 days, we have an economic crisis, we have a border crisis, and we have a national security crisis. The economic crisis, we see the worst jobs report in over 20 years. Unemployment is up, small businesses are struggling to hire workers and Speaker Pelosi and Joe Biden solution to that is to pay people to stay out of work, rather than incentivizing people to get back to work.”

“As Republicans, we are fighting to reopen the economy to create jobs,” she said. “We are fighting against the trillions of dollars of tax increases and the trillions of dollars of reckless spending. The border crisis, this is not only a national security and homeland security crisis. This is a humanitarian crisis. We see historic concerning numbers when it comes to human trafficking on the border. When it comes to drug trafficking on the border. Every single state in this nation is a border state and feels that impact. At home in my district ,the northern border is being impacted because border patrol officers are being transferred from the northern border to the southern border. Republicans stand for border security, and of course, the national security crisis. We are seeing our strongest ally Israel under attack. And we have seen seen Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi not step up to stand by and support Israel and prioritize outreach to adversaries like China and Iran.”

Cheney was booted from the position earlier this week because she became obsessed with Trump and was not focusing on dealing with Democrat President Joe Biden’s far-left agenda.

Fox News anchor Bret Baier grilled Cheney during an interview on Thursday where Cheney claimed that those who were criticizing her were either wrong or misinformed and she repeatedly appeared to virtue signal.

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Source: Dailywire

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