Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz introduced an amendment on Thursday to block federal funds to schools and child care centers that enforce COVID-19 vaccine mandates on students and young children.

The amendment would modify the $1.6 trillion continuing resolution (CR) to fund the Federal government through March 11, 2022, by prohibiting federal funds from being distributed to schools and child care centers that have a COVID-19 vaccine mandate related to enrollment, in-person attendance, and participation in school-sponsored activities.

“Enough is enough. It’s time to stop the petty tyrants imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates on families across the country,” Cruz said in a statement.

“No child should be denied an education because of his or her personal medical choice. Schools shouldn’t get federal taxpayer dollars to trample on our constitutional liberties. It’s time for all of us to take a stand. Are you with parents and kids, or power hungry politicians?” he added.

The amendment would restrict federal funding to “any entity, school, center or facility that imposes such a mandate,” including state and local educational agencies, public schools and charter schools, private schools, child care centers, and Head Start facilities.

The protections would also prohibit “vaccine-status discrimination to ensure schools do not use coercion, like denial of participation in school sports teams, music programs, field trips, and school dances, unless a child is vaccinated against COVID-19,” according to a background document provided with Cruz’s statement.

Cruz is not alone in his efforts to block the federal government’s vaccine mandates. A Houston Chronicle report shared by the senator also noted Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy has joined Cruz in threatening to push toward a government shutdown over the mandates.

“The American people have had enough of Biden’s unconstitutional mandates that trample on our rights. That’s why we’re sending a clear message to everyone suffering under Biden – from our military service members, to federal employees, to nurses and hospital staff: the days of these tyrannical mandates are numbered,” Cruz said in a statement last week.

“Biden’s federal COVID vaccine mandates are tyrannical, unconstitutional and have no place in America.  They are nothing but a failing political push from a failed President in brazen defiance of science, fact, and our natural rights,” Roy added in the statement.

“Therefore, I am honored to join my friends, Senator Ted Cruz, Congressman Mike Johnson, and the patriots at the First Liberty Institute in filing this amicus curiae brief in the Fifth Circuit to support the legal fight to Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates for federal workers and contractors. Meanwhile, the American people are rightfully fed up with this; while the courts continue to work through this legal challenge, Congress should vote against any funding for these mandates,” Roy also wrote.

In addition to the new amendment, Cruz introduced a joint resolution in January to stop a Washington, D.C., COVID-19 vaccine mandate for K-12th grade students from going into effect. The Daily Wire previously reported:

The resolution seeks to use the Home Rule Act passed in 1973 that allows Congress to retain the right to oversee city governance in the District of Columbia.

The resolution was co-sponsored by Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Roger Marshall (R-KS).

“No petty tyrant, whether in a federal agency, state governor’s mansion, or city council should be able to force COVID vaccines on children – much less threaten to take away their right to an education for not complying. COVID policies should be based on science and common sense, not the hysterical demands of radical liberal activists and union bosses who have no interest in what’s best for our children,” Cruz said in a statement.

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Source: Dailywire

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