Three U.S. Senators introduced legislation on Friday to ban the federal government from establishing coronavirus passports related to individual’s immunization status.

U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced the bill, which also prohibits the federal government from being able to work with third parties to establish immunization passports.

Cruz said that  “Americans shouldn’t be discriminated against because of” their immunization status, “whether that is at work or in everyday life.”

“Americans have a well-established right to privacy that any mandated” immunization passport “would destroy,” Cruz said, adding that it “would be discriminatory against people who, for whatever reason, do not get” it.

Braun praised the medical achievements that were developed under the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed and said that he was “proud to stand with Senator Cruz” in protecting American’s rights.

Lummis echoed similar sentiment, saying that “the government should not be in the business of exposing Americans’ private health information.”

Lummis said, “Our job should be to protect citizens’ privacy rights – that’s what the 4th Amendment of our Constitution is about.”

“I’m proud to support Senator Cruz in this effort to protect people in Wyoming and across the country from federally issued vaccine passports and mandates,” she added.

A new report published this week by The Wall Street Journal stated that three researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) — China’s only Biosafety level-4 laboratory — were hospitalized in November 2019 with symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

“The details of the reporting go beyond a State Department fact sheet, issued during the final days of the Trump administration, which said that several researchers at the lab, a center for the study of coronaviruses and other pathogens, became sick in autumn 2019 ‘with symptoms consistent with both Covid-19 and common seasonal illness,’” The Journal reported. “The disclosure of the number of researchers, the timing of their illnesses and their hospital visits come on the eve of a meeting of the World Health Organization’s decision-making body, which is expected to discuss the next phase of an investigation into Covid-19’s origins.”

David Asher, who led the Trump administration’s investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, told Fox News on Thursday that biostatisticians from the U.S. government calculated that the odds of the coronavirus evolving naturally was one-in-13 billion.

“We were finding that despite the claims of our scientific community, including the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Fauci’s NIAID organization, that there was almost no evidence that supported a natural, zoonotic, you know, evolution, or source of COVID-19,” Asher said. “And we said, you know, okay, let’s look at the both sources of evidence, natural zoonosis, as they call it, you know, it came out of nature, or did it come out of a lab, and the data disproportionately stacked up as we investigated that it was coming out of a lab or some supernatural source.”

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Source: Dailywire

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