The woke prosecutor who was removed from office this week by Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis claimed in an interview that the move by the governor was “unconstitutional” and that he would continue to work in his current role.

DeSantis announced this week that he was removing State Attorney Andrew Warren of the 13th Judicial Circuit from office because Warren was not enforcing the law. DeSantis had law enforcement remove Warren from his office to ensure that “no files, papers, documents, notes, records, computers, or removable storage media” were removed from the office.

When asked during an interview Friday about what has changed in Florida that has led to the state’s governor utilizing more of his constitutional authority to govern, Warren responded, “What’s changed is that the governor has changed.”

“You know, policy differences aside, we’ve had governors who have respected the rule of law, and now we have one who clearly doesn’t,” Warren claimed without evidence. “I mean, he is stepping on the rights of the voters of Hillsborough County.”

“This is blatantly unconstitutional in violation of Florida Statute,” Warren said. “He doesn’t have the authority to suspend me just because he wants to, especially when he’s focused on things that I haven’t even done yet. The bottom line is that people elected me to serve in this position, and I’m going to continue doing it to keep our neighborhoods safe.”

DeSantis explained in his executive order removing Warren from office where he gets the power in Florida’s constitution to be able to remove a state attorney from office.

DeSantis said during an interview this week that prosecutors backed by Democrat megadonor George Soros, like Warren, were doing serious damage to cities and towns across America.

“Here’s what Soros is doing. It’s actually smart on his part, they can’t get these things enacted in a legislature where you’re just gonna let criminals run [amok],” DeSantis said. “So what they do, he will get involved in these Democrat primaries and a Democrat area, he’ll flush a million dollars to get the radical to win the primary then they usually win the general because of the party affiliation difference in the jurisdiction.”

“So then you get them in there and what they do is they want to change the criminal justice system through non-enforcement,” he continued. “So it’s a total end run around our constitutional system. The results obviously have been destructive around the country. But it also really undermines the idea that ours is supposed to be a government of laws, not a government of individual men.”

Source: Dailywire

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