Two people were killed and 12 more were wounded in a terror shooting attack in the center of Tel Aviv on Thursday night. The attack took place in multiple locations on Dizengoff Street, a popular scene filled with restaurants and bars, turning the crowded area into a scene of chaos and panic, as reported by the Jerusalem Post. This is the latest in a series of deadly terror attacks that began last month in Beersheba, Hadera, and Bnei Brak. So far, 13 people have been killed.

Two males approximately 30 years old were pronounced dead at the hospital, while a 38-year-old male, a 28 year-old-female, and a 20-year-old male are said to be in critical or serious condition, according to officials at Icholov Medical Center. The rest are classified as having serious to mild injuries of various degrees.

The Israeli Ambulance Service Magen David Adom (MDA) Spokesperson said, “At 9:00 p.m., MDA received reports of multiple victims wounded in shootings at multiple locations, including on Dizengoff Street, Gordon Street, and nearby, in Tel Aviv. EMTs and paramedics treated and evacuated nine patients who were wounded in the attack in Tel Aviv to Ichilov, Sheba Tel Hashomer, and Wolfson Hospitals.”

“There was a large commotion at the scene, with dozens of people running in the streets,” said MDA Paramedic Yisrael Weingarten, one of the first to arrive at the scene. “We saw six patients lying on the sidewalk. We immediately began treatment, including bleeding control and bandaging. Two of them were unconscious and underwent resuscitation, and four others were conscious.”

Renan Shimon, 32, from Ramat Gan, was injured by a bullet that went into his cheek. He told reporters that he “went out for a beer with a friend and after a quarter of an hour, the terrorist appeared in front of me and started shooting. I went down to the floor, we were looking for shelter and we stood on the beer kegs and I was dripping with blood.” Doctors who treated him at Ichilov Hospital said that it was a “miracle” that he came out alive.

The shooter fled the scene and is still at large five hours after the attack. Large security forces are searching the area, and over 100 roadblocks were set up throughout Tel Aviv and Gush Dan, as Tel Aviv residents were told to stay inside and lock their doors. The manhunt included Israeli special forces from the IDF’s elite Sayeret Matkal and Shaldag Units, as well as the police’s Yamam elite counter-terror unit and senior agents of Shin Bet (the Israeli equivalent of the FBI).

TV footage showed hundreds of police officers and military personnel gathered with guns drawn outside a building where the suspect was reported to be holed up inside, just down the street from the scene. However, the terrorist is still at large. Police have shared a photo of the suspect and are asking the public to help locate him.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement, “This is a very difficult night. My condolences to the families of the murdered and I’m praying for the complete recovery of the wounded. Security forces are in pursuit of the terrorist who carried out the murderous rampage this evening in Tel Aviv. Wherever the terrorist is — we’ll get to him. And anyone who assisted him, directly or indirectly, will pay the price.”

Dimiter Tzantchev, the European Union’s ambassador to Israel, tweeted that he was “deeply worried” by the reports of the terror attack in Tel Aviv. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. The EU stands with Israel.”

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides tweeted: “Horrified to see another cowardly terror attack on innocent civilians, this time in Tel Aviv. Praying for peace, and sending condolences to the victims and their families. This has to stop!”

Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups celebrated the terrorist attack, yet neither of them took responsibility. Palestinian media shared videos of celebrations throughout the West Bank, Gaza, and Lebanon. Hamas called the attack a “natural and legitimate response to the escalation of the occupation’s crimes against our people, our land, Jerusalem, and al-Aqsa Mosque.”

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David M Friedman tweeted: “Palestinians in Ramallah, Jenin and elsewhere are celebrating yet again the murder of Israeli civilians. I want my government to end — end — all financial support and diplomatic engagement with Palestinian terrorists and their enablers. Create some accountability for God’s sake!”

This is the latest in a string of deadly terrorist attacks in Israel in recent weeks, which have occurred during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and during a government crisis. Whip Idit Silman, a member of Bennett’s Yamina party, quit the coalition yesterday, stripping it of its parliamentary majority and putting the coalition on the verge of collapse.

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Source: Dailywire

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