Former U.S. Marine Trevor Reed has been released from a Russian prison in exchange for a convicted Russian drug trafficker after Reed was held behind bars since 2019.

Reed’s release comes in a surprise deal, taking place as Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine that started on February 24.

“Today, we welcome home Trevor Reed and celebrate his return to the family that missed him dearly. Trevor, a former U.S. Marine, is free from Russian detention,” President Joe Biden said in a statement.

“I heard in the voices of Trevor’s parents how much they’ve worried about his health and missed his presence. And I was delighted to be able to share with them the good news about Trevor’s freedom,” he added.

Biden’s statement noted the efforts were led by the nation’s Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger Carstens, U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation John Sullivan, and several others to ensure Reed’s safety.

“The negotiations that allowed us to bring Trevor home required difficult decisions that I do not take lightly. His safe return is a testament to the priority my Administration places on bringing home Americans held hostage and wrongfully detained abroad,” Biden noted.

Reed’s parents were also thrilled at the news of their son’s release.

“Today, our prayers have been answered and Trevor is safely on his way back to the United States,” his family said in a statement.

Reed was given nine years in prison in July 2020 for “endangering” Russian police officers after a night of drinking in Moscow in 2019, according to The Washington Post. The former Marine denied the allegations.

“In recent weeks, Reed’s family and U.S. lawmakers have renewed calls for his release as his parents said his health was worsening. U.S. lawmakers and diplomats have denounced his sentence, and the ambassador to Russia, John Sullivan, described the evidence used to convict Reed as ‘ridiculous,‘” The Washington Post reported.

Just two weeks ago, Reed’s appeal was turned down and sent to a lower court. “Only two weeks ago a Russian court dismissed Reed’s legal appeal against his conviction and prison sentence and sent the case down to a lower court. The decision was lamented by U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan, who said at the time that Reed ‘remains in prison for a crime he didn’t commit,’” CBS News reported.

The Russian drug trafficker exchanged in the prisoner swap was Konstantin Yaroshenko. He was serving a 20-year sentence for a conviction to smuggle more than $100 million worth of cocaine into the U.S.

Reed is not the only notable American detained in Russia. WNBA basketball player Brittney Griner was arrested in March on drug charges and is still being detained.

In addition, former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan has been detained in Russia since 2018 on accusations of spying. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison in June 2020.

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Source: Dailywire

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