The U.S. Senate voted on Wednesday to repeal Democrat President Joe Biden’s federal vaccine mandate for private employers with companies that employ 100 or more people.

The 52-48 vote to repeal the mandate included all Republican senators and Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Jon Tester (D-MT).

“Even with Senate approval, the GOP-backed resolution is unlikely to overturn the mandate,” Fox News reported. “The Democrat-controlled House is not expected to take up the measure and President Biden would likely veto the bill if it cleared Congress.”

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) led the fight in repealing the vaccine mandate using the “Congressional Review Act,” saying that the mandate was “the heavy hand of government” hurting businesses.

“It’s got Main Street America scared,” Braun said. “They’re worried about, well, what does this mean on other issues? Anybody who thinks this is a good idea, imagine the next time it happens when you’re on the wrong side on whatever the merits of the case would be.”

“The vaccine mandate is illegal, it’s unconstitutional, and it’s a grotesque abuse of power,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said. “And I think Biden knows that. I think the White House lawyers told Biden that this is illegal. This will get struck down in the courts. And cynically, I think they made the decision to ram it through anyway. Assuming that litigation will take time will take months or years, and in the meantime, a whole lot of people will obey. Last night’s vote was a really important vote. We voted on rescinding Biden’s vaccine mandate for private employers. It passed with a bipartisan majority.”

Immediately following the release of the vaccine mandate, The Daily Wire was the first major company to file a lawsuit against the Biden administration for the mandate, as the company noted in a report last month:

The lawsuit does not take a position on whether someone should receive the vaccine or not, only against Biden’s mandate, announced earlier this year and unveiled on Thursday morning. The mandate applies to all companies with 100 or more employees and forces those businesses to police the vaccine status of their employees. The Daily Wire, with over 100 employees, falls under the mandate.

The Daily Wire’s lawsuit seeks to overturn Biden’s executive action, arguing that the order is unconstitutional and that the Biden administration violated federal law in drafting it.

Jeremy Boreing, co-founder and co-CEO of The Daily Wire, explained the company’s decision, saying, “We’re not the enforcement arm of the federal government.”

“Forcing Americans to choose between their livelihoods and their freedom is a grotesque abuse of power and we won’t be a party to it,” Boreing added. “We will not incur the cost of implementing this testing regime. We will not incur the liability of inserting ourselves into the private health decisions and information of our employees. Our company was founded to stand against tyranny, and we will.”

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Source: Dailywire

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