Far-left anti-gun activist David Hogg erupted during a congressional hearing Wednesday on gun control and was physically removed by security.

Hogg’s outburst came as the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee debated legislation to ban semi-automatic long guns.

“You are reiterating the points of mass shooters in your manifesto, the shooter in my high school, anti-Semitic, anti-black, and racist,” Hogg fumed at one of the lawmakers. “The shooter in El Paso described it as an invasion. Guess what? Those guns are coming from the United States of America.”

“They aren’t coming from Mexico, they are not coming from Mexico, you are reiterating the points of a mass shooter, sir,” Hogg claimed. “Sir, you are perpetuating violence, you need to … stop these things now.”

Hogg was one of the students attending Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, during the Valentine’s Day shooting at the school in 2018.

The lawmaker who Hogg interrupted, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), responded to Hogg’s outburst later Monday night during an appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

“So I found it interesting that … you were making, you know, people could disagree with the point you’re making, but it was kind of a logical one,” Carlson said. “He didn’t respond to a single point and just started screaming about racism.”

“Am I missing something?” Carlson asked. “Is that what it was?”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what it was,” Biggs responded. “I mean, he’s, he’s saying that I’m a terrorist manifesto totin’ conspiracy nut. And the reality is, he’s, all he wants is he wants to get on TV and he wanted to advocate for a nutty position.”

“As a number of us raised, he interrupted our proceeding,” Biggs continued. “And Democrats have said, if you interrupt a congressional proceeding, that’s the definition of insurrection. And so the police had to take him out. He was invited there by the Democrats, that’s what I’m informed, and so he’s trying to grift on this whole thing, it looks like, and he should probably be brought up on charges. Where is that [January 6] committee when you need them?”

Carlson responded by taking shots at the fact that Hogg somehow got into Harvard, saying that it was evidence that the school was a “mediocre joke.”

“Harvard has gone the way of all the woke post-secondary institutions in the country,” Biggs replied. “There’s very few of them that aren’t going to turn out somebody who’s as radical is that and, you know, stoking the fire like that is what the Democrats did. That’s why they wanted him there. They were they were hoping for that kind of incident.”

Source: Dailywire

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