A disturbing video purportedly taken in St. Paul, Minnesota, last week shows diaper-clad black toddlers cursing and attacking police officers.

AlphaNews.org posted the video online and said it was shot as the officers attempted to execute a search warrant for a murder suspect. Two toddlers can be seen punching, kicking, cursing, and throwing rocks at them.

“F—off,” one child who looks to be no older than 3 or 4 says to an officer. “Bitch!” another one repeats while flailing at an officer’s leg.

As the pint-sized police haters rain harmless blows with their tiny fists, a voice can be heard in the background exhorting the children and calling a black officer on the scene a “deep-fried Oreo head.”

The police can be seen trying to calm the children, reaching out to them only to have the kids lunge at and hit them.

Alpha News is a Minnesota-based independent journalism site that claims to report the news that “mainstream media all too often refuses to report and routinely disregards.”

The video went viral on Twitter, where users expressed horror at the children’s aggression and disgust at the way they are being raised.

“These are not parents, this child has so much violence and hate that I don’t think he has ever had a person read to him, cook him a meal that he can rely on daily,” tweeted Kristiana C. “Give him a hug daily. He has only seen ugliness & can’t imagine how he is Spoken to & beaten daily this he knows.”

So much rage. That’s not normal for a child. Also not normal-out on the street, unsupervised, in their underwear,” tweeted Rochelle Wentz. “Neglected, abused, and totally bereft of hope. Why are we, as a culture, accepting this? And how do we turn it around? NO child should live like this.”

“This is just really sad,” tweeted True Science.

Source: Dailywire

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