Cowboys and emergency crews had to step in and save the day when a rogue cow caused a bit of a backup on a busy Oklahoma interstate on Monday.

The cow got loose and managed to make its way onto Interstate 40 near Oklahoma City’s Pennsylvania Avenue — and the local ABC News affiliate KOCO just happened to have its Sky 5 chopper in the air at the time, capturing the moments that followed on camera.

In the video, emergency crews driving two trucks could be seen attempting to corral the errant bovine, steering it off the road and onto the grass along the highway. Once they had succeeded in doing that, two cowboys entered the scene on horseback and gave chase.

One quickly rode up alongside the cow and lassoed its neck — and the other rode in from the side, attempting to get control of the animal’s hind legs. Within a few moments, they had successfully and safely wrangled the cow and gotten it off the road.

The reporter in the KOCO Sky 5 chopper appeared to either have seen just such a chase from his elevated perch in the past — or to have his own experience in similar situations — because he could be heard giving a play-by-play as the scene unfolded on the ground.

“Get it, get it, get it, get it, stay on him, stay on him … Yes!” he cheered as the first cowboy approached the cow, lasso swinging over his head, and successfully tossed the first rope over its neck.

“Bring it on in, you got it, you got it, woohoo!” he continued as the cowboy eased the rope back, pulling out the slack and tightening the rope. “That is awesome.”

Then the second cowboy rode into the frame, and the commentary picked up again.

“Now — get the hinds. Get the hinds,” he encouraged, and once that was done, he admonished the cowboys, “Get off the horse, get off the horse …”

One of the cowboys did dismount at that point, walking over to the cow to make sure it was safely secured before they attempted to get it to its feet and off the road.

Source: Dailywire

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