A sixth bus transporting unlawful migrants from Texas to Washington, D.C., arrived late Sunday as Republican Governor Greg Abbott continues to follow through on his promise to send migrants to the capital in response to what he called President Joe Biden’s “failed” border policies.

The arrival was streamed live on Facebook by WUSA-9 TV near Union Station at Delaware Avenue NE and Columbus Circle NE.

The video recorded approximately 20 migrants departing the bus.

“This busing strategy is part of Governor Abbott’s response to President Biden’s ongoing failure to secure the border,” according to a media advisory from Abbott’s office.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the first two busses of illegal immigrants arrived from Texas to the nation’s capital. A press release from Abbott’s office stated the migrants included citizens from Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

“As the federal government continues to turn a blind eye to the border crisis, the State of Texas will remain steadfast in our efforts to fill in the gaps and keep Texans safe,” Abbott said in the statement.

“By transporting migrants to Washington, D.C., the Biden Administration will be able to more immediately meet the needs of the people they are allowing to cross our border. Texas should not have to bear the burden of the Biden Administration’s failure to secure our border,” he added.

The efforts are part of the state’s Operation Lone Star, a multi-agency effort to respond to the surge of migrants at the border since Biden has been in office.

According to the governor’s office, “233,000 migrant apprehensions, along with more than 13,600 criminal arrests — and more than 11,000 felony charges. Over 3,700 weapons and almost $30 million in currency have been seized. In the fight against fentanyl, DPS has seized over 298 million lethal doses throughout the state.”

In addition, last week Abbott met with Nuevo León Governor Samuel Alejandro García Sepúlveda at the Colombia Solidarity International Bridge in Laredo. The two leaders signed a memorandum of understanding to enhance border security.

“Until President Biden enforces the immigration laws passed by Congress, Texas will step up and use its own strategies to secure the border and negotiate with Mexico to seek solutions that will keep Texans safe. This historic memorandum of understanding between Texas and Nuevo León is a major step in the Lone Star State’s efforts to secure the border in the federal government’s absence,” Abbott said regarding the agreement.

Abbott took to Twitter on Saturday to declare the previous two days had been “historic for Texas.”

“I’ve reached agreements with governors from border states in Mexico to reduce cross border immigration & secure the border,” he tweeted.

“Texas has done more in two days to secure the border than Biden has done in the past 15 months,” he added.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz declared Washington, D.C., a “border town” on Wednesday after Texas dropped off its first migrants on Wednesday morning just blocks from the U.S. Capitol.

Cruz shared the comment in a Twitter post featuring the report from Fox News.

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Source: Dailywire

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