According to President Biden’s National Security Adviser, the despotic theocratic regime in Iran, which is strongly allied with Russia, is readying a gift for Russian President Vladimir Putin: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), some of them capable of carrying weapons that Russia can use in Ukraine.

That report comes from CNN, which also stated that Sullivan claimed hundreds of the UAVs have already been delivered.

The Biden administration has taken a soft approach toward the Iranian regime, as opposed to the hard-line approach of the Trump administration. In March, reports surfaced that Biden was considering removing the Foreign Terrorist Organization designation for Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Axios reported that Iran was demanding the removal of the Foreign Terrorist Organization designation for the IRGC in order for it to restore the nuclear deal from which President Trump pulled out.

In June, while President Biden and his administration were playing footsie with Iran about its nuclear ambitions, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard military speedboat had a confrontation with a U.S. Navy warship. A high-speed Guard Boghammar, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard speedboat, sped directly toward the Cyclone-class patrol ship USS Sirocco and Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport USNS Choctaw County.

“The two U.S. Coast Guard cutters issued multiple warnings via bridge-to-bridge radio and deployed warning flares,” the Navy said, according to Associated Press.

Prior to that incident, on March 4 three Guard ships taunted Navy and U.S. Coast Guard vessels for two hours near the Persian Gulf, as a Guard’s catamaran came within 25 yards of the USCGC Robert Goldman.

In another indication of the Biden administration’s refusal to see the arc of terror represented by Iran and its allies, President Joe Biden’s Special Envoy to Iran, Robert Malley, has said that the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah are simply misunderstood by the West.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), possibly the staunchest opponent of Iran in the U.S. Senate, reacted harshly when reports indicated Biden would select Malley for his current post.

“It’s deeply troubling that President Biden would consider appointing Rob Malley to direct Iran policy,” he stated. “Malley has a long track record of sympathy for the Iranian regime & animus towards Israel. The ayatollahs wouldn’t believe their luck if he is selected.”

In January, three U.S. officials left the team negotiating with Iran because Malley would not take a harder negotiating position regarding sanctions.

As another indication of his soft policy toward world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, Malley told a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Wednesday, “The simple fact is this: as a means of constraining Iran’s nuclear program, the JCPOA was working. Leaving it has not.”

Source: Dailywire

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