The radical Left has taken over the leadership of the Democratic Party and now poses the greatest threat to freedom in American history. The rise of the Neo-Fascists at the helm of the Democratic Party is based on the greatest motivator in politics: fear.

They are without love of country. In fact, they hate America. They promote their radical policies through dread and emotion, which promotes division and creates fissures in the foundation of America’s government.

Former Communist, and converted Capitalist and public commentator, David Horowitz, wrote long ago that the most persuasive force in politics is fear. And Democrat leaders are not afraid to use the fear tactic to drive their narratives and achieve their desired outcomes. 

An example of their fear mongering can be seen as Democrats maniacally scream, “follow the science” regarding COVID-19, until it no longer suits their purpose of controlling a compliant American populace. They continue to promote fear and urge ongoing programs that wipe out freedom and perpetuate government control.

Republicans love freedom more than they fear COVID. Democrats remain controllable by nefarious politicians because their party is one of emotion, driven by panic.

The hysteria fomented by Leftists that dominate the Democrats has been on full display in Congress. Democrats like to call the Capitol the “Temple of Democracy,” but they have tried to dismantle the institution using suspicion based on unfounded fears.

Before President Joe Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congress, every member of Congress attending was required to go through multiple metal detector screenings and take a COVID test before being allowed to enter the House Chamber.

Do Congressional leaders truly believe that a member of Congress poses a physical threat to the President or any of their congressional colleagues? No. The Capitol Police chief has admitted that there is no reason to suspect any member of Congress will do harm to anyone else in Congress.

So, why does Nancy Pelosi require members of Congress to submit to a magnetometer screening and a “wanding” by Capitol Police before we enter the House chamber? Because Democrats have irrational fears of Republicans. Nancy Pelosi uses that fear to gain control over members of Congress. It gives her more power. And she likes power.

To attend President Biden’s uninspiring speech, the 200 invitees had to be tested for COVID. We were spaced out so that we couldn’t have a conversation with each other, and were warned not to physically engage.

I had a whole row to myself.

The President, of course, spoke without a mask, which was a violation of Nancy Pelosi’s edicts at the time. 

Even with those over-the-top precautions, Democrats remained frightened. In a mostly empty room, with attendees who have perhaps the highest per capita COVID vaccine rate in the country, a good number of Democrats were double-masked.

The fearful among us now control the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and the Presidency.

Americans have always looked to the future with courage and curiosity. Republicans will continue to boldly and optimistically move forward. We cannot cower in a corner with the authoritarians of the Democrat Party who now wish to control us through their incessant stoking of anxiety and panic.

To be a free people, Americans must reject the submission sought by Democrats, and embrace our roots of individual freedom, choice, and accountability.

Congressman Andy Biggs is an Arizona native currently serving his third term in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Arizona’s Fifth District. He is a member of the House Judiciary and Oversight and Reform committees. He is chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, co-chair of the Border Security Caucus, co-chair of the War Powers Caucus, and Chief Regulatory Reform Officer of the Western Caucus.

The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

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Source: Dailywire

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