A crowd of activists marched on the home of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on Monday night in protest of his decision to reject a challenge to Texas’ new law allowing private citizens to sue providers that perform abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

Videos posted to Twitter by Daily Caller journalist Mary Margaret Olohan show activists gathering at Chevy Chase Local Park in Chevy Chase, Md., before marching over to Kavanaugh’s home, where the reporter says the lights were on, though it appeared that no one was home.

Olohan reported that a number of police were stationed around Kavanaugh’s home. Protesters reportedly booed the officers, with one activist telling the police to, “Go do you actual job, you’re just f***ing standing there.”

The protest was organized by the left-wing group ShutDownDC.

A Facebook event by the group said, “Brett Kavanaugh: You’re going to hear from us directly.”

It added that the group planned to use Monday’s protest to tell the justice to “keep your oppressive” ideology “out of our bodies” and to demand his resignation. 

ShutDownDC claimed that Kavanaugh’s decision was predictable and an affront to “reproductive justice.”

“Three years ago, hundreds of women, femmes, and allies undertook a month of bold direct action to stop the Senate from confirming accused sexual predator Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” the group said. 

“We warned what would happen,” it added. “And now, in the dead of night, Kavanaugh and four of his colleagues have effectively overturned the right to an abortion. (Although we must acknowledge that the right wing had already succeeded in making abortion largely inaccessible for many people without means and people of color living in certain states.)”

The group adds: “Make no mistake, what’s happening to reproductive justice and abortion rights is far bigger than one person. But Kavanaugh is playing a key role, and so far he’s been protected from any backlash. No more.”

ShutDownDC previously protested outside the home of former Homeland Security secretary Chad Wolf last year and reportedly held a vigil outside of Senator Josh Hawley’s Missouri home in January.

The protest comes days after the Biden administration filed a lawsuit on against Texas over its new abortion law.

“It is settled constitutional law that ‘a state may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability,’ but Texas has done just that,” asserted the lawsuit.

The DOJ adds that Texas implemented its law “in open defiance of the Constitution.”

The controversial legislation allows any individual to sue medical providers who perform an abortion after a fetal heartbeat has been detected. Plaintiffs can earn up to $10,000 in damages through litigation.

Source: National Review

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