Joining Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members of the “squad,” Senator Bernie Sanders on Tuesday urged his fellow Democrats in the House to vote against the bipartisan infrastructure bill when it comes to the floor for a vote on Thursday unless Congress first passes the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package.

“I strongly urge my House colleagues to vote against the bipartisan infrastructure bill until Congress passes a strong reconciliation bill,” Sanders tweeted Tuesday.

The infrastructure plan has been in limbo for weeks since the Congressional Progressive Caucus formed a coalition vowing to vote against the infrastructure bill unless the larger bill accompanied it. Twenty-two House Democrats have signed onto this ultimatum, earning the support of Sanders and ten other Senate Democrats.

“Let’s be crystal clear. If the bipartisan infrastructure bill is passed on its own on Thursday, this will be in violation of an agreement that was reached within the Democratic Caucus in Congress,” Sanders said.

Source: National Review

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