President Biden’s job approval rating plummeted over the past few months, according to an Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll released on Tuesday.

Just 31 percent of Iowa residents approve of the president’s job performance, dropping below former President Trump’s lowest rating in the same poll (35 percent in December 2017). Meanwhile, 62 percent of respondents to the latest Iowa poll said they disapproved of Biden’s performance.

The approval rating is down from the June Iowa Poll, when 43 percent of respondents approved of Biden while 52 percent disapproved.

“This is a bad poll for Joe Biden, and it’s playing out in everything that he touches right now,” pollster J. Ann Selzer told the Des Moines Register. The poll was conducted by Selzer & Co. from September 12-15, questioning 805 Iowa residents, with a 3.5 percent margin of error.

Among various issues, respondents rated Biden lowest regarding the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, although this issue also prompted a partisan split. Only 22 percent of all respondents approved of Biden’s handling of the withdrawal, with 69 percent saying they disapproved.

Among Democrats, 61 percent approved of Biden’s handling while 25 percent disapproved, as opposed to 94 percent of Republicans who disapproved. The U.S. left behind hundreds of American passport-holders and thousands of permanent residents and Afghan visa applicants in Afghanistan following the withdrawal.

Various other polls recorded a drop in Biden’s approval rating following the withdrawal, such as an ABC News/Washington Post poll in early September in which 44 percent of respondents approved of Biden’s job performance while 51 percent disapproved.

Biden’s average job approval rating has been steadily sinking since the beginning of his presidency, according to polling averages at RealClearPolitics. Disapproval of Biden’s performance rose throughout the month of August.

Source: National Review

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