Brian Burch, president of the national faith-based group CatholicVote, wrote in an opinion piece for RealClearPolitics on Friday that President Joe Biden has “brought a partisan wrecking ball to the priorities of religious voters.”

Burch, the founder of the Catholic nonprofit Fidelis Center, wrote that “Cloaked beneath promises of decency and a return to norms … In practice, the woke-inspired scheme means our agenda – by any means necessary.”

He continues to criticize Biden for “gutting virtually all immigration and border security enforcement” with executive orders on his first day in office.

“The move was celebrated by religious voters who were promised a more humane immigration policy. The result has been a humanitarian disaster.”

Biden’s position on issues like abortion have been a sticking point for many Catholics, including Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, the chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, who told The Associated Press that “Because President Biden is Catholic, it presents a unique problem for us. It can create confusion. … How can he say he’s a devout Catholic and he’s doing these things that are contrary to the church’s teaching?”

Naumann added that a public figure taking a pro-abortion stance is “a grave moral evil.”

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone added, “There’s a growing sense of urgency. Abortion is not just one among many important issues. … It’s a direct attack on human life.”

In his opinion piece, Burch goes on to say that “These policies and others are being executed by a cadre of leftist culture warriors with whom Biden has filled his administration,” including Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra, who Burch singles out for his “abortion policy extremism.”

He also rips Biden and Democrats for excluding “the Hyde Amendment, a long-standing bipartisan agreement that prohibits federal taxpayer dollars from being used to directly pay for abortions,” from their recent COVID-19 relief bill, “a policy long supported by Biden until he ran for president. Democrats have been gunning for the Hyde Amendment for years, and finally found their opening and exploited the coronavirus emergency to do it.”

Burch concludes that “Many on the right mock Joe Biden as a senile old man, incapable of running the country. This is a critical mistake. Biden is installing an army of hard-left ideologues in every facet of the federal government with the goal of remaking America from the ground up. Combining radical policies like open borders, unlimited abortion, and packing the Supreme court as ways to advance the ‘equity’ agenda, the Biden administration has never sought to restore previous norms, but instead to create its own.”

Source: Newmax

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