Migrants crossing the southern border into the United States illegally don’t care about the nuanced messaging coming from the Biden administration telling them they are welcome to come — just not yet, Chad Wolf, former acting Secretary of Homeland Security tells Newsmax TV. Wolf, appearing Monday on “Spicer & Co.”, called that a “nuanced message that obviously folks south of the border are not going to pick up on.”

Further, he said, “A lot of these folks don’t listen to government officials” and don’t care what others have to say. “What they listen to is did that family member or did that friend get into the U.S., and are they staying in the U.S.?”

As soon as they figure that out, Wolf told host Sean Spicer and guest host Mercedes Schlapp, they’re on the next caravan trying to cross into the country.

The Biden administration has refused to call the surge of immigrants at the border a “crisis.” The influx has become such a concern that even mainstream media outlets have noted the White House’s refusal to categorize the situation as a “crisis” or an “emergency.”

Many of the hopeful border-crossers can be seen wearing T-shirts reading “Biden Please Let Us In.”

Wolf, who served under former President Donald Trump, said the situation clearly is an emergency, or the administration wouldn’t have called in FEMA to help with it.

“That’s the organization that normally helps with a natural disaster,” Wolf said, noting the the “E” in the acronym stands for “Emergency.” What? Is that normal for FEMA to be brought in?”

The Federal Emergency Management Agency wouldn’t be called in for their expertise, Wolf said, “unless it is completely out of control.”

“They don’t have enough not only facilities, but people to process these individuals, the amount of individuals that are coming over and being released into the interior of the country, so they’re having to come up with a variety of different solutions, and that includes FEMA.”

The DHS surge workforce has also been deployed to the border to help handle the situation, he noted, taking staff away from other areas of operation.

Amnesty bills currently under consideration in Congress will only make matters worse, he said.

“The last thing that you want to do, I believe is to have amnesty bills on the floor of the House and floor the Senate,” Wolf said. “That’s only going to encourage a further crisis of further surge in these populations coming to our border.

Much of the current surge is the result of then-President-elect Joe Biden talking about amnesty before he was even sworn in on Jan. 20, and reversing Trump-era policies.

“So if you have now bills, actual legislation that’s on the floor of the House talking about amnesty, that’s only going to fuel what is already a crisis,” he said.

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Source: Newmax

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