Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser has no problem with Marxist groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) painting the streets of D.C., but had officials scrub an anti-communism mural on the same street less than a day after it was painted.

“Cuba Libre” (“Free Cuba”) was painted near the Cuban embassy but Bowser made sure it was removed from the public eye Tuesday. The artwork was created with the intention of showing solidarity against the Cuban regime amid ongoing pro-liberty demonstrations.

“The ‘Cuba Libre’ painting on the street was unauthorized, so DPW crews power washed to remove it,” a spokesman for D.C. Public Works told the Washington Free Beacon.

The removal of the pro-freedom mural comes a week after Bowser announced that BLM Plaza would become a permanent fixture of D.C., with construction taking place until October.

The contrast of Bowser’s political priorities is worsened by the fact that BLM came out in support of the communist Cuban regime last week. BLM went so far as to blame the United States for Cuban unrest. It defended the communists and claimed they support “black liberation.”

“Cuba has historically demonstrated solidarity with oppressed peoples of African descent, from protecting Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur through granting her asylum, to supporting Black liberation struggles in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, and South Africa,” the group wrote.

Bowser’s support for political street art apparently only extends to groups intent on destroying America, but it is unsurprising for a progressive lawmaker who has not addressed the crime wave rifling through the city, the homelessness surge, and let media blame Trump for tear-gassing rioters she herself targeted.

While Bowser said, “There are people who are craving to be heard and to be seen and to have their humanity recognized” in clarifying her support for the BLM mural last summer, her message on anti-communism is quite simple: Be gone. Washington, D.C., the increasingly violent capital of the U.S., is more and more looking like a Marxist haven.

Source: The Federalist

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