No sooner had Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, announced his retirement from Congress last week than speculation and maneuvering began for the all-important Republican primary in the 8th District (Greater Houston).

There is particular interest in the race to succeed 25-year Rep. and former House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Brady because of the possible candidacy of two conservative “outsiders” — film producer and singer Debbie D’Souza and retired Marine Corps Gen. Steve Hummer.

The daughter of Mexican-American and Venezuelan parents and a mother of 3, D’Souza has worked closely with husband Dinesh on his films with conservative themes. 

Hummer, 68, is a retired lieutenant general who served as deputy to the Commander for Military Operations for U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM).  He also saw action in Iraq and Afghanistan and earned a Bronze Star.

Like most retired military officers, Hummer’s stands on various issues are unknown at this time. If he should become a candidate, Hummer will have to spell out a platform in a race sure to be crowded and competitive.

As attractive as Hummer and D’Souza might be on the campaign trail, recent history holds that the most common background for U.S. House members from Texas is service in the state legislature. Brady, for example, served as a state representative from 1990-96.

There are two Texas House members from within the 8th District that are “possible” — Steve Toth and Will Metcalf. Toth is considered to be the more conservative. Four years ago, he took on Brady as the candidate of conservative outsiders. Metcalf has been closely linked to Texas House Republican Leadership, which could be a hindrance in a primary where it helps to be identifiably conservative. Neither Speakers Joe Straus nor Dennis Bonnen are considered favorites of the right.

The 8th District is one in which the “tea party movement” of a decade ago is still a force, as is allegiance to Donald Trump. Bill O’Sullivan, a leader of the largest tea party organization, told Newsmax: “Trumpism is about actually fighting for your beliefs. That’s a good position to have in Texas. [State GOP Chairman] Allen West is a fighter and is perceived as that.” 

John Gizzi is chief political columnist and White House correspondent for Newsmax. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

Source: Newmax

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