Amid President Biden’s pursuit of sweeping gun control legislation to curb mass shootings and gun violence, former Detroit Police Chief James Craig said he believes the real culprit is not guns but criminals.

“We don’t have a gun problem in America. What we have is a criminal problem…criminals don’t follow the law. They’re going to get guns, so what do we want to focus on? Getting guns from law abiding citizens?…it’s not about guns, it’s about criminals who have guns and they don’t get the guns legally. That’s the bottom line,” Craig said during an recent interview with The Next Revolution.

He suggested that many attempts at police reform policy have neglected the people on the frontlines wearing the badge and have opened a vacuum for criminal activity.

“Conveniently, a lot of the issues are left out, and I’ve seen this, criminals are emboldened. You talk about bail reform, it’s a miserable failure,” Craig continued. “We have to start supporting the men and women who do the tough job.”

During a recent press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that the Biden administration has named gun control a major priority in an effort to curtail rising crime in the country.

“The President feels a lot, a great deal of the crime we’re seeing is a result of gun violence. You can expect he’ll speak to that and his commitment to continuing to address gun violence and gun safety in the country,” Psaki said.

Now retired from the Detroit police department, Craig made headlines recently amid rumors from a source connected to him that he is considering a potential candidacy and political run against Michigan Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer as a Republican challenger. He has not yet confirmed his bid for the gubernatorial race.

Craig is a vocal advocate for robust law enforcement and the Second Amendment and has recommended that Detroit residents buy guns to reduce crime.

Source: National Review

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