Georgia attorney Stacey Abrams announced her second run for governor Wednesday, three years into her first imaginary term.

“I’m running for Governor because opportunity in our state shouldn’t be determined by zip code, background or access to power,” Abrams wrote in a tweet featuring an announcement video.

The Democrat and former Georgia House leader lost to Republican Brian Kemp by less than 2 percent in 2018, a hostile year for Republicans who lost control of the lower chamber on Capitol Hill. Now Abrams, a polarizing figure who refused to concede that her 2018 race was free and fair despite no evidence for her claims, is running in a political climate favorable to Republicans excited at a rematch.

“The one thing Georgia Republicans — and most independents — can agree on is that Stacey Abrams would be a disaster for the Peach State,” one Republican familiar with the race told The Federalist. “While Republicans are working through differences on their side, Abrams announcement guarantees Republicans will be united in November.”

Republicans expect an Abrams candidacy to energize voters and boost turnout in November. After clinching the Virginia governor’s mansion for the first time in years by running on cultural issues, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) is prepared to go after Abrams on the same field. The RGA already branded the Georgia Democrat “queen of the woke mob” on the heels of her announcement.

“Abrams stands firmly on the side of the woke activists who cost Georgia millions in revenue all because Governor Brian Kemp made it a priority to protect lives and livelihoods, keep kids in school and in the classroom, let businesses stay open and grow their workforce, and make it easier to vote and harder to cheat,” RGA spokeswoman Maddie Anderson wrote in a statement. “The RGA looks forward to ensuring Abrams is once again soundly defeated.”

The Republican National Committee (RNC) echoed similar sentiments.

“The RNC is excited to have another opportunity to deliver a crushing blow to Stacey’s political aspirations by, yet again, denying her the keys to the Governor’s mansion come November 2022,” RNC spokesman Garrison Douglas said.

Incumbent Gov. Brian Kemp immediately jumped to rail his potential opponent in the general election as a mascot for far-left politics.

Whether Kemp will remain the nominee next fall, however, remains contingent on a potential primary against former U.S. Sen. David Purdue who is weighing a challenge. Former President Donald Trump has already pledged to campaign against Kemp next year.

Source: The Federalist

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