Mississippi GOP Gov. Tate Reeves said Sunday the Biden administration’s infrastructure plan is a “political statement” that resembles the progressive Green New Deal more than a plan to rebuild the nation’s roads, bridges, trains and airports.

In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Reeves said infrastructure repair need not be tied to a $2 trillion tax hike — and we shouldn’t spend more on electric vehicles.

“This plan spends $110 billion on roads and bridges and spends more than that on the combination of Amtrak and public transit,” he said. “What’s even worse, it spends $100 billion on clean water, which Mississippi can certainly use. 

“It spends more on subsidizing electric vehicles — $155 billion to subsidize electric vehicles,” he continued. “That is a political statement. It’s not a statement on trying to improve our infrastructure in America so it looks more like the Green New Deal than an infrastructure plan. “

According to Reeves, the nation needs a plan “we can afford and pay for and to truly invest in the infrastructure needs in this country.”

“We don’t have to hike tax by $2 trillion to do it,” he insisted.

Reeves asserted the infrastructure work could be paid for in “different ways,” though he wasn’t specific.

“One way you pay for it is by seeing significant improved economic growth,” he said. “We saw that throughout the Trump administration, because the policies were pro business. They were pro growth and revenue has improved.”

Reeves also weighed in on vaccine compliance, and said education — and not endorsements — is the key.

“The vaccine is our path towards normalcy. It’s one that I hope more folks across the country will recognize,” he said.

“We need the educate folks, we need to make sure we educate all people and let them know this vaccine is safe. …I think the education piece is more important than the endorsement piece.”

“It’s kind of like politics. Getting endorsements are important,” he added. “At the end of the day, you got to educate the voters on why you should be elected. So I think that’s something we need to work on.”

Source: Newmax

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