Florida governor Ron DeSantis on Friday questioned what else 78-year-old president Joe Biden has forgotten, responding to a question about Biden calling him “governor who?” earlier this week.

“Well, I guess I’m not surprised that Biden doesn’t remember me,” DeSantis said when asked about Biden’s quip during a press conference at Chipola College in the Florida Panhandle. “I guess the question is, what else has he forgotten?”

“Biden’s forgotten about the crisis at our southern border, I can tell you that,” he said. “Biden has forgotten about the inflation that’s biting the budgets of families all throughout our country. Biden has forgotten about the demonstrators who are fighting for freedom down in Cuba. Biden’s even forgotten about the Constitution itself, as we saw with what he did with this (eviction) moratorium.”

DeSantis’s comments are the latest in this week’s back-and-forth between Biden and the 42-year-old Republican governor. Biden started the volley on Tuesday, calling out DeSantis and Texas governor Greg Abbott for their handling of the surge of the coronavirus and the Delta variant, which has been particularly pronounced in their states. Biden accused the two governors of enacting “bad health policy.”

“Please help,” Biden said. “But if you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way.”

DeSantis fired back, accusing Biden of pushing “lockdown policies.”

“Let me tell you this, if you’re coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I’m standing in your way. I’m not going to let you get away with it,” said DeSantis, who issued an executive order last week making mask-wearing optional in the state’s public schools.

When asked by a reporter on Thursday about DeSantis’s response, Biden said “governor who?”

DeSantis made it clear who he is on Friday.

“I’m the governor who protects parents in their ability to make the right choices for their kids’ education,” he said. “I’m the governor who protects the jobs and education and businesses in Florida by not letting the federal government lock us down. I’m the governor who answers to the people of Florida, not the bureaucrats in Washington.”

Source: National Review

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