A bill introduced Thursday by progressive Democrats to add four additional justices to the Supreme Court should “scare every single American, regardless of where you stand politically,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Thursday. 

“The Democrats inside Congress today would rather dismantle this nation than dignify the Constitution,” the California Republican said on Fox Business’ “Mornings With Maria. “This goes to show how far the Democratic Party has moved. There are almost no longer commonsense moderate Democrats elected.”

McCarthy added that even President Joe Biden in the past was opposed to expanding the court, as were liberals in the Supreme Court. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she had no intention of bringing the bill to the floor. 

“I think it’s an idea that should be considered and I think the president’s taking the right approach to have a commission to study such a thing,” she said. “I have no plans to bring it to the floor.”

McCarthy called the move an attempt to take control.

“It is overtaking a branch of government simply to have your control over a nation. This must be the scariest thing I have ever heard them do…now they’re moving it in legislation form,” he said. 

Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., and Reps. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., Hank Johnson, D-Ga., and Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., are backing the bill. 

During their announcement, held in front of the steps of the Supreme Court, the lawmakers argued that additional justices are needed to balance out a court left top-heavy by conservative justices appointed by former President Donald Trump. 

McCarthy, who raised a record amount of more than $27 million in the first quarter of 2021, said he’s hearing from donors that they are “scared about where this nation is going under the Biden agenda.

“If you study history, Hugo Chavez didn’t overtake a nation,” he said. “He was elected democratically and changed the Constitution.”

And under Biden, “40% of border agents are no longer on the border because they’re dealing with illegals in processing, and now he’s (trying to) not only pack the course but raising taxes.”

Democrats, he added, want to control elections as well. 

“Everything is about changing the rules to empower them to give them greater control over our lives,” said McCarthy. 

“The most telling thing, if there is anything about how much money we are able to raise last quarter, it wasn’t from corporations, it wasn’t from PACS…this was American people rising up who are concerned about where this country is going and want to take this nation back.”

Meanwhile, McCarthy said he expects Republicans will take back the House majority in 2022, as Democrats now have the lowest level of majority in over 100 years. 

“Now Democrats are announcing retirement because they know what is going to happen,” he said.

“They are going to lose the majority. That is why they are acting in the manner in which they are trying to push through all these socialist agendas as hard as they can to change the election process, change the court system, to try to give them more power and control.”

Source: Newmax

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