Former President Barack Obama attempted to relitigate his administration’s climate policies Monday in a speech to the COP26 global summit on climate change.

“Some of our progress stalled when my successor decided to unilaterally pull out of the Paris Agreement in his first year in office,” Obama said in Glasgow.

The direct shot at former President Donald Trump for withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords is a reminder of how Obama sought to govern: without voter approval.

The American signature on the Paris Agreement was unilateral to begin with, signed under President Obama without a legislative mandate. President Joe Biden adopted the same standard on his first day in office with unilateral U.S. recommitment to the Paris pledge reducing emissions.

The goals of the agreement seek to keep global temperatures “well below” 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) compared to preindustrial levels, with under 1.5 degrees set as the preferential target. The planet has already warmed 1.1 degrees Celsius since the Little Ice Age century of the 1800s, coinciding with the greatest rise in standards of living humans have ever experienced.

President Obama’s record is a record of a country run on executive order, with 276 issued over an eight-year tenure. While not the most of any president, Obama pursued unilateral action to implement sweeping policy changes on major issues, from orders on climate change to mass amnesty welcoming unchecked immigration. Then the president would go on to blame Republicans over the administration’s failures.

The same routine repeated itself in Scotland on Monday.

“Both of us,” Obama said in reference to himself and Biden, “have been constrained in large part by the fact that one of our two major parties has decided not only to sit on the sidelines, but express active hostility towards climate science, and make climate change a partisan issue.”

Obama was stripped of a Democrat Congress for the rest of his presidency in 2010 after an avalanche of far-left policies provoked a conservative uprising in form of the Tea Party movement. Rather than moderate his agenda to unite the country and court moderate support, President Obama pursued an alternative route through executive action.

Even with Democrat majorities in both legislative chambers, President Biden has already demonstrated a fondness for the pen, with more executive orders signed within his first 100 days than every predecessor in the same timeframe back to Franklin Roosevelt.

Last week’s elections in Virginia, New Jersey, and school boards across the country show once again, history is poised to repeat itself. Republicans swept Virginia’s top three offices in the first statewide wins in a state gone blue since 2009 while nearly capturing the New Jersey governor’s mansion.

The Biden White House, however, after redefining what it means to run a progressive presidency, has shown no signs of moderating. It’s expressed frustration at a pair of moderate senators in a 50-50 chamber that’s forced the party to trim down colossal spending packages pushed by leftist Democrats. The decline of the country has led to a drop in Biden’s approval rating to George W. Bush-era lows hovered around 43 percent in the Real Clear aggregate.

After Biden’s appearance in Glasgow last week was an advertisement for Chinese coal and Russian gas, Obama’s was a reminder of Democrats’ strategy on climate change, giving advantage to overseas adversaries while forgoing the congressional go-ahead.

Source: The Federalist

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