President Joe Biden’s approval rating following his handling of the Afghanistan disaster is tanking, a new poll from ABC News and the Washington Post indicates.

Pollsters found that only 44 percent of the more than 1,000 adults surveyed approve of Biden’s track record as president while 51 percent disapprove. While Democrats still show overwhelming support for the leftist and his administration, their approval for the president fell from 94 percent to 86 percent over the last three months.

The poll also signals that 57 percent of independents are increasingly frustrated with Biden’s tenure in the White House, a 14-point increase since the 43 percent disapproval rate measured in June. Among Republicans, Biden’s disapproval rate climbed by one point from June up to 89 percent.

The unfurling crisis in Afghanistan as a result of the Biden administration’s botched withdrawal, as well as Biden’s callous attitude toward the families of the 13 service members who lost their lives to a blast right outside the Kabul airport, were also unpopular with those polled. While approximately half of the respondents said they supported leaving Afghanistan, 52 percent of those adults disapproved of how Biden and his team handled it.

Similarly, a poll from NPR, PBS Newshour, and Marist conducted at the end of August shows that Biden’s approval rating hit a new low as his administration attempted to clean up the mess he left behind.

Of the 1,241 U.S. adults surveyed, only 43 percent said they approve of “the job Joe Biden is doing as president” while 51 percent said they disapprove.

“The decline is principally due to independents — just 36% of them approve of the job he’s doing, a 10-point drop,” NPR noted. “That a majority of independents now disapprove of his performance is bad news for Biden and Democrats. They’re a key swing group, one Biden won in 2020 but who now think he’s off track.”

A poll from The Federalist and Susquehanna Polling & Research in late August indicated that Americans disapprove of Biden more intensely than they approve of him. Approximately 32 percent of people surveyed said they “strongly approve” of Biden’s presidency, which dropped to 17 percent for those who said they “somewhat approve” of Biden’s time in office. On the disapprove side, 41 percent of those surveyed said they “strongly disapprove” of Biden. Only 4 percent said they “somewhat disapprove.”

Source: The Federalist

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