White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki flipped out when a reporter asked her if President Joe Biden has plans to evaluate the U.S.’s participation in the Beijing Olympics given his support for Major League Baseball to examine boycotting Georgia over a new election reforms law.

“The president voiced his support for MLB making a decision about the all-star game in Georgia. I’m wondering when can we expect final determination from the president about the United States participating in the Beijing Olympics given that he said the Chinese president doesn’t have a ‘democratic bone’ in his body,” RealClearPolitics’s Philip Wegmann asked Psaki on Friday.

Communist China does not have fair and free elections. The regime has also been repeatedly condemned for its genocide against the Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang province in China.

“Well I think the U.S. Olympic Committee would play a big role in-,” Psaki began before Wegmann interrupted to push her for an answer concerning Biden’s position.

Then, instead of answering his question, Psaki insulted the reporter.

“I don’t know if you heard the question, the answer that happened a few minutes ago where we addressed this and I answered the question and I gave a little more context, but maybe you weren’t paying attention to that part,” Psaki snapped.

Previously in the press conference, Psaki claimed Biden “didn’t call for businesses to boycott” Georgia but clarified that he does support them if they choose to remove themselves from the state.

“He also was not dictating that Major League Baseball move their game out of Georgia,” Psaki said. “He was conveying that if that was a decision that was made, that he would certainly support that and that’s true in the context of the remarks he made in that interview.”

Psaki continued explaining Biden’s opinion on the Georgia bill and repeated the White House’s rhetoric about the polling place water restrictions. She also claimed that the administration is “not calling from here for specific actions from businesses.”

Source: The Federalist

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