A pair of high-profile GOP congressmen veterans launched a whistleblower page to help military members inform Congress about “woke ideology” indoctrination in the armed services.

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, tweeted Friday about the form hosted on his official website and backed by Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.:

“Enough is enough. We won’t let our military fall to woke ideology. We have just launched a whistleblower webpage where you can submit your story. Your complaint will be legally protected, and go to my office and @SenTomCotton.”

The form preaches caution in sharing classified information, but it also assures confidentiality, if not anonymity.

Crenshaw also tweeted he will publish the complaints with written consent to help show Americans:

“With written permission we will anonymously publish egregious complaints on social media and tell the country what’s happening in our military.”

Crenshaw added a warning to ideological leadership in the Pentagon, tweeting:

“For too long, progressive Pentagon staffers have been calling the shots for our warfighters, and spineless military commanders have let it happen. Now we are going to expose you.”

Crenshaw’s tweets were met with hate and vitriol over Memorial Day weekend from angry leftist ideologues on Twitter, including one that suggested the veteran was advocating for “undercutting the chain of command.”

But the page makes clear of its legal concern and purpose, giving a platform to report abuse.

“We advise that whistleblowers use your personal resources and contact information when communicating submitting this form, and that you do not use your work equipment or work contact information,” the page reads. “Further, do not submit classified information or other information barred from release through this form or by email.

“Various U.S. laws at the federal, state and local level prohibit retaliation against whistleblowers for providing information to Congress. However, you still take serious risks when you report allegations of wrongdoing. We recommend that you consult an attorney experienced in whistleblower law for further guidance.”

Source: Newmax

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