Cartels working at the nation’s border with Mexico aren’t just a danger to the local region, but also to the rest of the nation, Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, and Nicole Bishop, the district attorney for Kendall County, Texas, said Tuesday. 

“What the [Biden] administration is doing is embarrassing,” Roy said on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.” “Worse than that, it’s endangering Texas. I want all the folks I represent in Texas and everybody else around the country to know that cartels aren’t just happening at the border. They are happening in your community.”

Roy and Bishop were on the program after their column in The National Review outlined the dangers the cartels are posing. 

“We have a 1300-mile border, as you know, between Texas and Mexico,” Roy said. “We read all the stories of 300 people being burned in buildings, buried in these big burial pits, bodies being hung from bridges. People are getting beheaded. Lives being threatened. That’s happening across the border.”

But, he added, “it’s coming into America. We have people right now on I-35 a few miles from where I’m interviewing right now,  I guarantee you right now there are cars moving not just narcotics but human beings for profit.”

Bishop added that there is more money being made in the human trafficking trade than there is for the drug trade. 

“It costs about $12,000 for someone to be allowed by the cartel to cross into the U.S, so they are making money hand over fist right now,” she said.

However, Bishop said the problem is being “completely ignored.”

“What I can’t understand, if you have seen what I have seen and how I have been educate the last 3 or 4 weeks on this subject just so we can protect ourselves, this isn’t a border policy issue,” she said. “This is a cartel issue, and we are under attack. The atrocities are happening to human beings.”

She continued that she would like for Vice President Kamala Harris, who has been put in charge of the work on the border situation, to “come down here and look at these people being victimized because, as a prosecutor, we protect victims. If she could just see what is going on, i think this is a nonpartisan issue … it is happening right now.”

Bishop also criticized Harris and others in the Biden administration for blaming former President Donald Trump about the problems. 

“Instead of blaming somebody, we need to do something about it,” she said. “It’s on such a massive level now that we are getting it here and it’s just brazen the way they are operating and I cannot understand why these policies or why there isn’t a push to fix this. It’s just beyond me.”

In their column, the two detailed the Kendall County cartels’  influx, and said the volume of their operations should “scare every American.”

“In Kendall County, for example, cartel teams run at least three shifts — varying the times to avoid detection and transporting individuals per day,” they wrote. “There are likely dozens, if not more, carloads moving through daily. Sources from inside DHS have also indicated some 26,000 illegal aliens got away with crossing the border last month in the Del Rio sector alone.”

They also outlined several instances of the violence that has been happening, and how much money the cartels are making. 

“The massive flow of illegal migrants weakens the inability for border patrol to secure the border,” they wrote. “With interior enforcement overrun, cartels are proving they are in control of this crisis. They are profiting handsomely as a result. Now moving their operations further into our interior and into our communities, the cartels are profiting $10–14 million per day trafficking human beings and narcotics through our neighborhoods.”

Source: Newmax

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