There is “no chance in hell” that House Resolution 1, the sweeping voting and ethics legislation passed despite unanimous Republican opposition, will become law, Rep. Tom Reed insisted Thursday. 

“If they were sincere about enacting the law, they would have reached out to us,” the New York Republican said on Fox Business’ “Mornings With Maria.” “I’m a good-faith actor, a proud Republican. I believe in conservative ideology, and they wanted to pass a partisan bill to appease their political base and not become law. They’re playing politics.”

Reed added that if he was a Democrat, he would be angry that “they are playing and lying” about passing a bill that will never become the law of the land.

“It is not going to happen,” Reed said. “They’re lying to their own base and that is what’s driving this country apart.”

Reed also on Thursday acknowledged his interest in running against Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the 2022 race but said no decisions have been made and that he is not interested in a bitter primary battle in the race. 

“I am making sure that we work with our party and with our leaders,” he said. “We don’t need a long, drawn-out battle … we need to have a family conversation with the party and the people of our party and say who is the best-slated candidate to unite and support.”

He also said Cuomo’s “ego will not let him” resign over the mounting scandals involving him, including accusations of sexual harassment and being under fire over the state’s nursing home deaths due to COVID. 

“We’re looking at this governor’s race, myself personally, because we need to change Albany because this is out of control,” said Reed. “This race isn’t about me but fighting for our state.”

Source: Newmax

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