Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Monday accused both President Joe Biden and House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., of lying and using racism to push their opposition against Georgia’s new voting law. 

“They are lying, but more than that, they are using racism to try and push their point and divide our country even further,” McDaniel said on Fox News’ “The Faulkner Focus.” “That is really wrong. I think it’s racist for them to say that African-Americans, and Hispanic voters can’t use voter ID. What prevents them from using voter ID? It is absolutely false. It is disgusting. It is divisive and it is not true.”

Clyburn told CNN Sunday that Georgia’s new restrictions are similar to the infamous Jim Crow laws, a comparison Biden has also made.

“This law, if you look at every aspect of it, expands voting hours, it adds a Saturday day of voting,” McDaniel said, adding that it strengthens other factors such as drop boxes, as it now has “people watching them to make sure that counties have to say how many votes came in and how many absentee ballots were given out and how many came back in.”

The law also enforces “so many commonsense measures that protect our elections,” insisted McDaniel, adding that “the majority of Americans” agree with such provisions 

The chairwoman also spoke out against Biden’s infrastructure plan, calling his push to get it through even without Republican support a “power grab,” as would be other measures, including potentially expanding the size of the Supreme Court. 

“[They want] absolute power, the opposite of what our founders intended,” McDaniel said. “This is why they wanted checks and balances.”

The infrastructure bill, she added, is a “debacle.”

“They want to ram it through without any discussion or compromise,” she said. “It will decimate our country. [It has] nothing to do with infrastructure. It is a grab bag for Democrats. Everyone is watching our deficit grow and grow and grow. They are recognizing gas prices are going up because of Joe Biden’s failing energy policy. They just saw this COVID boondoggle and now he is ramming something else through. It is why Republicans will take back the majority in the house in 2022. Democrats are so worried about that, they’re trying to rush everything through before we get there.”

Meanwhile, the Democrats’ actions are driving GOP fundraising efforts, said McDaniel. Show host Harris Faulkner commented that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., raised a record $27 million in the first three months of the year, and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., says he brought in a record $7.1 million. Further, the House Republican fundraising arm garnered over $30 million, she said. 

“So many of the things we’re seeing from this administration are worse than we could have imagined,” McDaniel said. “It is driving our fundraising. I attended an event this weekend and the unity we’re seeing is among investors from high-level dollar to small-dollar investors who want to make sure we win this next election. They are scared of what this administration and absolute power that Democrats have amassed not just in Congress but with the corporate, with the cancel culture and with the media is truly frightening for Americans and they want Republicans to be that check.”

Source: Newmax

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