Federalist Co-founder Sean Davis slammed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s partisan Jan. 6 committee as a “farce” run by “shameless, disgusting, dishonest partisans.”

“Between the Adam Schiff lip-biting and the Adam Kinzinger crying, I was embarrassed for them. This whole thing’s a farce,” Davis told The First’s Buck Sexton on “Hold The Line with Buck Sexton.” “Obviously, I think riots and rioting are bad, but I have a tough time taking seriously any group of people who spent the last year telling us that a violent movement torching cities, businesses, police stations, federal courthouses to the ground was peaceful. I have a hard time taking them seriously when they say two hours of a riot on one day in January is the beginning of the downfall of the country.”

Davis not only believes the committee is filled with people who are a “joke,” but he also said the committee is a last-ditch attempt by Democrats to save themselves from getting “hosed in the midterm.”

“Their first impeachment of Trump failed, and their second impeachment of Trump failed, and now they’ve just decided they’re gonna impeach the American people, and it’s an embarrassment. And I’m embarrassed and sad for every one of the clowns who took part in this farce today,” Davis said. “I certainly have zero interest in playing along with the games of the left here.”

The commission is also designed to “frame[e] the half of the country that didn’t vote for the current regime as terrorists for opposing our politics,” Davis added.

Davis said the reason the Democrats under Pelosi’s direction are choosing to put on political theater now is that “their entire policy agenda is collapsing.”

“You have the economy cratering. You have inflation going up. You have optimism in the country in the economy tanking. You have the president’s approval levels from the polls that they actually tell you — I can’t imagine what the real numbers are — showing his numbers tanking. Why now? Because this is all they got,” Davis said.

Davis also said the so-called Republicans who happily joined Pelosi’s forces are grasping at straws.

“I think it’s a bit funny to watch Liz Cheney talk about accountability,” Davis said, noting how she pushed several conspiracy theories to hurt Trump during the 2020 election. “I think the reality here is that Liz Cheney’s political career is over. She’s a failed politician. She’s one of the most unpopular Republicans in the country and she now understands having lost the ability to keep prosecuting her precious war in Afghanistan — they had no strategy for exit or victory — that her only hope for her career is either to be an MSNBC contributor or defense lobbyist. … She’s irrelevant. She has no political career and she’s just thrown in her lot with Democrats to snag her last 15 minutes of fame before she finally gets thrown out of office next year.”

Source: The Federalist

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