Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., is vowing he’ll never waiver in his support of the filibuster.

“Never!” he told Fox News on Monday when asked if he would ever change his mind on the filibuster. “Jesus Christ, what don’t you understand about never?”

Manchin’s comments were the latest indication Democrats didn’t have the votes necessary to end the 60-vote procedural tool. Progressive groups and an increasing number of chamber Democrats support the idea of ending the filibuster.

The Senate cloture rule requires 60 members to end debate on most topics and move to a vote.

The “nuclear option” requires just 51 votes to override a standing rule of the Senate. With the two parties split 50-50 in the chamber, the Democrats would need all its caucus members and Vice President Kamala Harris, voting in favor.

It is not the first time Manchin has said he’ll never change his opinion on the filibuster.

In January, Manchin told reporters: “I do not support doing away with the filibuster under any condition. It’s not who I am.”

Source: Newmax

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