President Joe Biden’s problems in office are a direct result of the “consequences” of his weaknesses, including the decision to not seek sanctions against a company connected with Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Sen. Ron Johnson said Thursday.

“I will never understand the minds of a liberal progressive Marxist,” the Wisconsin Republican told Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo after she asked him for his opinion about the Biden administration’s decision to waive sanctions to allow gas to flow between Russia and Europe after the president killed the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline.

“I agree with President [Ronald] Reagan when he said you achieve peace through strength,” he continued. “Unfortunately, our adversaries understand the Biden administration is just really pretty much the continuation of the Obama administration.”

On Wednesday, a source reported that the Biden administration planned to waive sanctions against the company behind Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Europe and its chief executive.

The State Department’s review, which is required by Congress, concluded Nord Stream 2 AG and CEO Matthias Warnig, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, had engaged in activity that could be sanctioned, but the United States has determined it was not in its engaged national interests to do so.

The source said the Biden administration instead feels it is important to signal its commitment to restore relations with Germany, which had been damaged under former President Donald Trump.

Russian officials said Wednesday that the administration’s move could help mend some relations between D. C. and Moscow.  

The “weakness” is also shown with the Biden administration’s move to engage Iran again, said Johnson, and he doesn’t think it’s a coincidence that Hamas has once again attacked Israel. 

“They realize the United States is going to be weak,” said Johnson, adding that he believes Biden is wrong by calling for a cease-fire in his conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Israel has the right to defend itself and should defend itself,” said Johnson.

“Most radical elements, in domestic policy or foreign policy, are firmly in control of the Biden administration,” said Johnson, adding that there are also troubling signs that inflation is looming. 

“This economy wants to boom,” he said. “It’s already booming, but the government is paying people not to work, so factories can’t hire people to produce goods or provide services.”

Inflation will be sparked by the trillions of dollars in deficit spending that is happening, and “we need to get our fiscal house in order,” Johnson added. “There is no sign of that in sight.”

Meanwhile, the White House will soon be releasing its budget for 2022, and Johnson said he knows that because “Democrats want to spend money,” the budget will be “heavy toward domestic spending and welfare spending, making more Americans dependent on the government. That is a long-term problem we are seeing right now.”

Such spending is “incredibly dangerous,” said Johnson, because it “weakens” the nation.

The cost of the border crisis is also damaging, said Johnson. 

He explained that during the humanitarian crisis in 2014, about 2,000 people were coming in every day, but now, 6,000 are entering the country, or three times the previous level. 

Source: Newmax

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