There is a crisis at the border, but the Biden administration and Democrats don’t see it that way because they “don’t believe in borders,” Sen. Tom Cotton said Monday. 

“They’ve literally turned detention centers into reception centers,” the Arkansas Republican said on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.” “We’ve seen migrants wearing shirts that say ‘Biden, let us in.’ This is going to build more and more pressure at the border as more and more people make the dangerous journey to get into our country.”

Cotton added that the administration is essentially telling immigrants coming from South America that if “you’re willing to make that long, dangerous journey, if you’re willing to put your life at risk or your kids’ lives at risk, we’ll put you in. What about the other people around the world who would like to partake in the American economy and American way of life? They get no chance to. It’s totally amoral, and it should stop right now.”

Families are also being released within days after arriving, and Cotton alleged that people are being “coached to say a few magic words” about having a credible fear of returning to their home countries so they can stay in the United States. 

“I’m sorry, if your country is poor, that is not a way to be integrated into the United States,” said Cotton. “Our asylum system is not designed for people to show up at our border coached by a bunch of nongovernmental organizations, say a few magic words, given a plane or bus ticket to go wherever they want in the country and then not even show up a year or two later for their court hearing.”

Cotton on Monday also slammed the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package heading to the Senate for a vote, calling it “poorly targeted.”

“We were more than willing to work with the Democrats as we did multiple times last year to pass a targeted relief bill that helps people who have actually been hurt by coronavirus,” he said. “They had a chance on Saturday morning to stop checks from going to prisoners, to the Boston bomber, for that matter, and on that, they declined. They had a chance to turn down money for sanctuary cities and states. Again, they turned it down. They had a chance to stop money from going to schools that are closed. They want to send money to schools that are closed and teachers not even teaching their kids.”

Source: Newmax

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