During an address before Congress, Senate Democratic whip Dick Durbin suggested that Republican-dominated state legislatures are enacting election bills as a defense mechanism because the GOP has lost its competitive power and no longer represents the majority of Americans.

“The demographics of America are not on the side of the Republican party. The new voters in this country are moving away from them, away from Donald Trump, away from their party creed that they preach,” Durbin stated. He said GOP defectors are switching allegiances to become independents or join the Democratic Party.

In the 2020 election, former president Donald Trump gained minority support, among Latinos, African Americans, Asians and women, expanding the GOP’s share of the vote among these identity groups.

The second-ranked Senate leader said the wave of voting legislation passed in Republican states was “by design” and a coordinated tactic to disenfranchise Americans from their right to vote. Durbin referenced the Senate Rules Committee’s visit in Georgia on Monday to discuss what Democrats believe to be voter suppression.

“Remember, this is all being done in the context of a former president, the sorest loser in the history of the United States, and his big lie about what was wrong with the last election. I can tell you what was not wrong with the last election. In many states, the turnouts broke records. More Americans, eligible to vote, turned up to vote, and that’s a good thing in a democracy,” Durbin said on the Senate floor.

He dismissed former President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud and his exhaustive lawsuits, claiming that the investigations only validated a “handful of cases” out of millions of ballots cast.

“So there’s no argument for changing election and voting laws based on fraud. There’s certainly no argument when it comes to the outcome of the election. That was clear and has been to everyone except for one former president for a long time,” he added.

To stop the bloodletting and preserve its electability and foothold in government, Durbin claimed that “Republicans are reducing and restricting the opportunity to vote.”

Source: National Review

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