A high-level staffer for former Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams retweeted a post comparing the United States government to the Taliban, the Washington Free Beacon first reported.

The post, retweeted by A.D. Fields, a political director for Abrams’s far-left voting group Fair Fight Action, was written by Root senior writer Michael Harriot. The tweet characterized black people who fought on behalf of the British during the American Revolution and left the colonies as “refugees from the American Taliban.”

Via the Washington Free Beacon

“About 75-80% of the Black people who fought in the US jihad we called the American Revolution fought AGAINST the USA,” said Harriot. “At least England had the decency to evacuate them.”

After the Beacon contacted the top Abrams staffer — who defines himself as an “abolitionist” in his Twitter bio — about his retweet, he deleted it.

The tweet comes on the heels of the Biden administration withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan after failing to meet the May 1 deadline established by former President Donald Trump. The Taliban has taken control of the country, and thousands of Americans are still being evacuated.

Members of the left have sought in recent days to liken the Taliban’s rule to U.S. events. A columnist for MSNBC claimed Wednesday in a roundly criticized op-ed that Republicans are “extremists” just as bad as the Taliban. MSNBC host Joy Reid similarly likened the Taliban’s treatment of women to the “far religious right” in the United States.

Actress Rosanna Arquette also joined the comparison bandwagon, claiming Republicans are “terrorists” who “support destroying democracy.” Filmmaker Michael Moore did much of the same.

Fair Fight Action did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and Fields did not respond to The Federalist’s request for comment seeking clarification as to whether Abrams also thinks the U.S. government is like the Taliban.

Source: The Federalist

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