The only reason to oppose Republicans’ push for voter identifications laws is to allow the potential for people to “cheat,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton warned Sunday.

“In reality, everybody knows you have to have a photo ID,” Paxton told “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM-N.Y. “The only reason you don’t want people to have a photo ID is that people can cheat. That’s the only rational answer as to why certain people want no photo ID requirements.”

Paxton noted opponents claim voter ID was discriminatory, but that same argument is not made for everything else in American society.

The claim of discrimination is “just as false as can be,” Paxton said.

Paxton told host John Catsimatidis he went to a hearing to argue in defense of voter ID laws and had to use his ID to get on the plane, get into his hotel room, and to use his ID to get into the 5th Circuit Court in New Orleans to make his case against claims of discrimination in voter ID laws.

“The only argument they had is they claimed it was discriminatory,” Paxton added. “We know it is not discriminatory, because everyone knows you have to have a photo ID,” Paxton said, lamenting no one makes the argument those other voter ID processes are discriminatory in America.

“Even if they are poor, they have to have one to do everything in life, including to get other state and federal benefits,” he concluded.

“That’s a red herring. It’s just not true. And the reality is everybody said it would suppress the vote, photo ID, and the reality is our voting participation went up.”

Republicans also repeatedly noted during the U.S. coronavirus pandemic vaccination push by the Biden administration required an ID to receive a free vaccine, noting Democrats did not rebuke the discrimination in that process either.

Source: Newmax

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