Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, R-Texas, Tuesday accused the Biden administration and Democrats of creating the mounting situation at the nation’s border “by design” to make the United States be a “one-party country.”

“There was a 9-year-old boy who drowned the other day trying to swim across the [Rio Grande] river,” Patrick said on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom. “Is that the kind of policy they want? We have apprehended 100,000 people crossing the border in Texas in the month of February. If you do the math, that will be over a million this year.”

And with “another two or three” entering the country “for every one we catch,” that is “2 or 3 million this year that they want to turn into citizens and give them voter registration cards and harvest their votes, so they have a grip on power for the rest of their lives,” Patrick added. “They want to make this a one-party country and they are willing to see children die in the river, willing to see our borders overrun.”

The administration is also “willing to see sex offenders,” Patrick said. “Yesterday in the Del Rio sector, we learned the sex offender apprehension is up by 1,967%. Sex offenders are someone we’ve already caught in this country, deported them, and they come back.”

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris has been shown laughing when she was asked if she plans to visit the border amid the growing crisis, but President Joe Biden is “lost” on the issue, Patrick said. 

But with the Biden administration is “lying about something that is obvious,” and they “want to hide it even though we can see it in plain sight,” that makes it obvious the border situation is “by design,” Patrick said. 

The administration has also just announced plans to spend “$86 million” to put up people in hotels, said Patrick, noting that based on the reports, that will be 1,200 people.

“It works out to about $70,000 per person per six months,” he said. “I guess you get free breakfast, late check-out, and citizenship with that. What do we spend on any American citizens that works out to $12,000 a month in public benefits?”

A Senate delegation led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, is planning to visit the border on Friday, but Patrick said they will see “the truth,” but if Democrats visit “they will see it and pretend it’s not there. They have to pretend it’s not there or admit to the American people they are letting our country be invaded … these criminals that are crossing the border, I don’t care where you live today watching this newscast this morning. They are coming to your town. They are coming all over the country.”

He also told the program that women and girls coming across the border are often subjected to rape. 

“We have what we call rape trees on the other side of the border,” said Patrick, referring to reports of places where female garments are left behind by attackers. “The rape trees are real. A price that every young woman or every woman that crosses the border knows she has to pay to the smuggler who brings her. It is part of the trip. I’ll have sex with you.”

And that, he said, “is so offensive, so disgusting, so dangerous [not only] to those people but to our country. For these people to lie about it, to laugh about it, and Joe Biden just to be lost about it, he is just a puppet and the people pulling his strings are the liberal Progressives around him who want to take this country from us and make it a socialist country. This is part of the plan.”

Source: Newmax

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