The world’s number one ranked golfer, Scottie Scheffler, opened up about why he missed making the cut at the FedEx St. Jude Championship in Memphis, Tennessee, earlier this month — a “butt crack” injury.

Yes, you read that correctly. During an interview with, Scheffler talked about what happened during the PGA Tour where he had “one really bad day.”

“You know, I really wasn’t playing bad,” the golfer told the magazine. “I played good at the Open. I had kind of a weird little injury thing that prevented me from playing my best on Saturday and Sunday, and then I was — if not for that, I would have felt like I had a really good chance to win the tournament.”

“Then going into Memphis, I just had one really, really bad day,” he added. “I don’t know what happened. I have no idea. Kind of just put it out of my mind and got into Wilmington and got some good work in and then had a solid week last week and had a good start to the week this week.”

As any good reporter would, the person interviewing him noticed the weird injury comment and pushed further to find out the reason he wasn’t playing his best.

“Probably TMI [too much information], but I had what’s called a pilonidal infection,” Scheffler explained. “It’s an infection at the top of your butt crack. You can look it up. It was really hard for me to bend down. It was really hard for me to make a swing on Sunday. Walking was actually extremely difficult.”

“I don’t know if any of you have ever had something like that, but if you talk to someone that does, it is excruciatingly painful,” he added. “It was brutal. It’s one of those things that just happens …”

When pressed on how it happened, Scottie replied, “Yeah, I’m not going to say it here. I’ll tell you after because that would really be TMI [Laughter].”

“Yeah, I didn’t ever really plan on telling anybody,” he added. “It’s kind of one of those things you put on the back burner, and it’s stuff that happens. Guys deal with injuries over the course of the season, and that one popped up at a wrong time for me when I was playing really well.”

He said it took about a week to recover after he had a procedure to take care of the infection — which is described on the Mayo Clinic website.

Source: Dailywire

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