Actor Randy Quaid is the latest celebrity considering throwing himself into the ring to unseat California Gov. Gavin Newsom. 

“I’m seriously considering running for governor,” the “National Lampoon” star  tweeted Tuesday. “The prosecutorial corruption in California (esp Santa Barbara & the Bell scandal) is rampant; and I promise that if elected I will clean up the District Attorney Offices throughout the state.”

Quaid, who is the brother of Dennis Quaid, made his announcement days after Caitlyn Jenner made it official that she would be running for governor of California.

“I’m in! California is worth fighting for,” Jenner wrote last week in a tweet that included a lengthy statement announcing her decision.

“Small businesses have been devastated because of the over-restrictive lockdown,” she said. “An entire generation of children have lost a year of education and have been prevented from going back to school, participating in activities, or socializing with their friends. Taxes are too high, killing jobs, hurting families, and putting an especially heavy burden on our most vulnerable people.”

Jenner, who officially filed the paperwork in Los Angeles, is a longtime Republican who once supported President Donald Trump. Jenner broke with Trump in 2018 over transgender rights.

“California has been my home for nearly 50 years,” she continued in her statement. “I came here because I knew that anyone, regardless of their background or station in life, could turn their dreams into reality,” Jenner said in a news release.

“But for the past decade, we have seen the glimmer of the Golden State reduced by one-party rule that places politics over progress and special interests over people. Sacramento needs an honest leader with a clear vision.”

On Monday it was announced that California had verified more than enough signatures needed for a recall of Newsom, pushing the state closer to an election later this year.

Source: Newmax

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