President Joe Biden has not made the relationship between the U.S. and China any better yet, according to former NATO Supreme Commander James Stavridis, who warns of a pending meltdown between the world economic and military powers.

Adm. Stavridis fears “confrontation between our two navies in the South China Sea,” he told Sunday’s “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM-N.Y. “I worry a lot about what’s going on in cyber. There was a very significant Chinese cyber-attack over the last 6 weeks that went through Microsoft exchanges.

And, he added to host John Catsimatidis, “our trade relationship isn’t getting any better. So, it is a very rich basket of disagreements between the United States and China at the moment. That ought to worry us.”

The Biden administration was believed to be softer on China than former President Donald Trump, but that has yet to be the case, according to Stavridis.

“The Trump administration took a pretty aggressive stand toward China, and I see the Biden administration picking up that approach,” he said.

“We are going to take a tough approach to China in this administration much like we did in the last one.”

Also, a burgeoning relationship between our rivals Russia and China bears watching, Stavridis continued.

“We can handle it, but not without our allies,” Stavridis said. “It’s very important that we keep strong relationships with NATO on the European side, and with Japan and Australia and South Korea, New Zealand, Singapore and Vietnam.

“As Russia and China drive closer together, and perhaps coordinate their activities, China against Taiwan, Russia against Ukraine, it’s all the more important that we have strong alliance relationships,” he concluded.

Source: Newmax

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