Maricopa County ballots cast in the 2020 general election are examined and recounted by contractors working for Florida-based company, Cyber Ninjas at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Matt York, Pool)

Election auditors in Arizona are wrapping up the hand-recount of ballots as they expect their work to be complete soon. According to the auditors, more than 60 percent of all 2020 ballots have been counted as of last Friday. That’s out of the 2.1 million ballots that were cast in Maricopa County, Arizona last November.

Reports estimate auditors have seven pallets of about 50,000 ballots each left to count, which means no more than 350,000 ballots are left to examine. However, despite the audit being almost complete, Democrat Party officials and mainstream media are still trying to discredit or stop it.

Auditors will analyze the results after the ballots are all counted and verified and they will then present the conclusions in a report later this month.

Source: One America News Network

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