Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., walks to a policy luncheon on Capitol Hill, Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., walks to a policy luncheon on Capitol Hill, Thursday, Oct. 7, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton (R) has sounded the alarm on China’s ambition to dominate the world. Beijing’s recent military developments and acts of aggression are putting the Biden administration on its heels.

During an interview with conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt, Cotton warned China aims to challenge U.S. hegemony. The Republican lawmaker also derided Democrats for downplaying the potential negative affects of competing with China.

“We want to beat China,” he stated. “China is waging a Cold War against us. A part of the Cold War is military buildup, not just these hypersonic missiles, but the new missile silos their building in western China, fortifying their air force and naval capabilities just across Taiwan. These are on pace with their efforts to replace the United States as the world’s dominant super power.

These warnings came after recent reports detailed China’s successful launch of a hypersonic missile in August, a move that reportedly shocked the U.S. Intelligence Community. The missile reportedly circled earth in low orbit before accelerating to hit its target, which it missed by around 24-miles.

Reports also point to the Chinese Communist Party moving forward with plans to add missile silos to their arsenal with hundreds of new silos already being built. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Defense in 2020 released a report calling attention to the CCP’s plans to create a “world class military” by 2049.

Pentagon researchers conceded China has already hit several milestones, including building the world’s largest naval force with around 350 ships, submarines and surface combatants. The CCP also has more than 1,200 ballistic and cruise missiles.

However, Cotton reaffirmed America’s military might while claiming the U.S. military is far more advanced than any other country in the world. He then urged the Biden administration to wake up amid China’s advancements and officially declare the CCP a threat.

The Arkansas senator has been a leading U.S. lawmaker in the fight against China’s ascension, drafting bills to curb Chinese propaganda from hitting U.S. shores, money from being funneled into American universities and exploitation of American farmers.

Source: One America News Network

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