Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs a bills, Tuesday, June 8, 2021, in Austin, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)

The governor of Texas signed into law a bill that would prohibit the teaching of critical race theory. On Tuesday, Republican Greg Abbott signed House Bill 3979 and was met with immense support.

While the law does not mention critical race theory by name, it would ban teachers and schools in Texas from requiring students to learn about concepts involved in the controversial topic. Rep. Steve Toth (R), the bill’s author, said that we don’t need to “burden our kids with guilt for racial crimes they had nothing to do with.”

In a statement, Abbott said the bill was a strong move, but that more must be done. The law will go into effect in September. This comes in addition to other states voicing their opposition while passing similar legislation.

Florida’s governor spoke at a Board of Education meeting in June, during which he criticized critical race theory.

“I think its really important when we’re doing history, when we’re doing things like civics, that it is grounded in actual fact,” stated Republican Ron DeSantis. “And I think we’ve got to have an education system that is preferring fact over narrative.”

Florida’s State Board of Education made the ban to remove critical race theory after DeSantis said that children were being indoctrinated with “ideology.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has also spoken against the academic movement.

“American students deserve a rock-solid civics education grounded in actual facts, not divisive propaganda that tells them they’re little more than a product of their racial background,” stated the Republican senator.

McConnell also added, the Department of Education’s curriculum reflects “woke sensibilities” of the theory. This comes as the opposition to ban critical race theory continues to grow.

Source: One America News Network

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